Technical Questions

1. What are the technical requirements for using the Insureful app?

To use Insureful, ensure that your store meets the following requirements:

  • Shopify Plan: The app is compatible with Shopify Basic, Shopify, and Advanced plans.

  • Theme Compatibility: Ensure that your theme supports app embeds and is compatible with Insureful.

  • Browser: Use up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge for the best experience.

2. How do I integrate the app with my existing theme?
  1. Access Theme Editor: Go to your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to Online Store > Themes > Customize.

  1. Add Widget: Locate the Insureful widget block and place it on your cart or checkout page.

  1. Configure Settings: Ensure that app embeds are enabled and verify that the widget appears as intended.

3. Can I use Insureful with custom themes or third-party themes?

Yes, Insureful can be used with custom and third-party themes. However, you may need to manually add the app’s widget to your theme. If you encounter issues with integration, consult the documentation or contact support for assistance.

4. What should I do if the app is not displaying correctly on my site?

If the app is not displaying correctly:

  1. Check Theme Compatibility: Ensure that your theme is compatible with Insureful and supports app embeds.

  2. Verify App Embeds: Confirm that app embeds are enabled in the Theme Editor.

  3. Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache and refresh the page.

  4. Inspect Code: Use browser developer tools to check for any errors in the console that might indicate integration issues.

5. How do I troubleshoot performance issues with the Insureful app?

To troubleshoot performance issues:

  1. Check App Status: Verify that Insureful is functioning correctly by checking its status on the Shopify App Dashboard.

  2. Monitor Page Speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify any performance impacts caused by the app.

  3. Optimize Code: Ensure that customizations or additional code on your site are not affecting the app’s performance.

  4. Contact Support: Reach out to support if performance issues persist, providing details about the issue and any error messages.

6. How can I ensure that the app is compatible with future Shopify updates?
  1. Stay Updated: Regularly check for updates from Shopify and Insureful.

  2. Review Release Notes: Follow release notes for both Shopify and Insureful to understand changes that may affect compatibility.

  3. Test Regularly: Test your site and app functionality after major Shopify updates to ensure everything works as expected.

7. What data does the app collect, and how is it used?

Insureful collects data related to insurance transactions, claims, and customer interactions to provide its services. This data is used to process insurance claims, generate reports, and improve app functionality. For detailed information on data privacy, refer to our privacy policy.

8. How do I manage app permissions and access?

To manage app permissions:

  1. Access Permissions: Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels in your Shopify admin dashboard.

  2. Review Permissions: Check the permissions granted to Insureful and adjust if necessary.

  3. Revoke Access: If needed, you can revoke permissions or uninstall the app to remove its access.

9. How can I integrate Insureful with other apps or services?

For integration with other apps or services:

  1. Check for Compatibility: Review Insureful’s documentation to see if it supports integration with other tools.

  2. Use API: Utilize the app’s API (if available) for custom integrations.

  3. Contact Support: Reach out to support for guidance on integrating Insureful with specific apps or services.

10. What should I do if I encounter a technical error or bug?

If you encounter a technical error or bug:

  1. Document the Issue: Note any error messages and steps to reproduce the issue.

  2. Check Documentation: Review the app’s documentation for troubleshooting tips.

  3. Contact Support: Provide detailed information about the issue to our support team for assistance.

Last updated